Wednesday, 13 October 2010

I’m a Pyro!

Hebrews 12:1 ( NLT )
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us."

Growing up we constantly burned branches and stuff from the yard and I didn't think to much of it. I have always liked fire (to play with it mostly) and have been amazed by it as well. But I don't understand how something destructive could be so intriguing and beautiful.

Is it intriguing because it does both, it destroys and creates something new and beautiful?

Isn’t that the way we should see God? Seeing God amazing and beautiful changes everything that we know.

God wants us to be whole and realize that there is a better life we just have a give him everything. Well that is a scary thing to think about. How can I give God of all people everything I have? Im not worthy, I’m afraid of how it will change me, I’m comfortable. Those are all the things that go through my head. But that is not God speaking that is the devil. But when it comes to things in my past the devil had a louder voice.

Well I am sick of hearing that voice in my head. I am sick of letting the devil control me and not let me live and have the relationship I want with God.

But one thing I don’t understand is why it is so easy for us to hold on? Why is it so much easier to write the things we are struggling down on paper and throw it into a fire but we can’t just give everything to God?

God is our fire, he is all that we need.

Over the past few weeks I have been struggling with the things I have done in the past and my relationships. It is difficult, I want to be free, I don’t like all of the extra things, but I am comfortable.

We are called, in the Christian life, to be uncomfortable. Throughout our lives we are going to have to do things that we do not want to do. We are going to be in situations that make us uncomfortable.

So I am coming out of my comfort zone. I am taking everything that I am dealing with and throwing it in the eternal fire. I am letting God destroy what I was and let him make me into the person he wants me to be.

I will not be giving God rubies, or gold. My god doesn’t need that he just wants all of my sorrows, sins and all of the ugly I carry with me. My God already has all the jewels that he wants. The only thing that he asks of us is that we give him everything that we have, and some times that is more the all the jewls in the world and harder to give.

But let us step out on faith, rise from the ashes and give god what he deserves…. EVERYTHING WE HAVE!

Romans 3:23-24 ( NLT )
For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.
Yet God, with undeserved kindness, declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins.


  1. Em, I'm really proud of you! God has so many great things to do in and through you! Great post!

  2. I like this alot. I will continue praying for you. Awesome post. Love you Puds :)

  3. So thankful for you - so thankful for God's call on your life and your faitfulness to answer that call. So thankful for the beautiful woman you are becoming, inside and out.
