When you go to a pet store its easy to just pick out a dog and take care of it. You know what kind of dog it is and that it is healthy and clean.
Well I had this bright idea…. I’m going to unofficially adopt a dog. Now in Peru there are dogs EVERY WHERE. Most of the time you don’t know what type of dog it is or if it has a home, and most of the time they don’t have a home.
So in our “neighbor hood” or street we have 2 neighbors. One lives down the street with a healthy, sweet amazing dog. And she is our protector, she keeps all the other dogs out of out street and we always know if there is someone in our street that is new or a car that is new.
Then there is another dog on our street and is super sweet, not the brightest sometimes and has a twitch. Well we thought that her owner just left her. For 2 months there was no one entering or leaving this house. And all of the sudden there were these youngsters that came with a moving truck. So we thought that her owner just moved or disappeared in the middle of the night. Well come to find out that her owner is the youngsters aunt and that they have been in another city for 2 or so months.
So her “owners” are home, but she doesn’t want to leave our house. We have bathed her, given her food twice a day, and fresh water and lots of people to love on her…… and right as I was falling in love with her I have to let her go…. But before I start the grieving process I am going to see if her “owner” really wants her, and if not I will keep her and if she wants her I still love her anyways.
Moral of the story: buy a dog from a pet store, wait for someone to give you a puppy or a dog or adopt on off of the streets (make sure they do not have an owner and don’t fall in love too fast if they have an owner.)
So Twitch I love you tons and I will miss you.
SO COOL THAT YOU HAVE A BLOG! CALL ME CLUELESS... I have to be told these things SOMETIMES a couple of times! You are such a good writer AND photographer!